Cleaning A Cast Iron Skillet With Vinegar – The Quick and Easy Method
cast iron skillet Cast iron skillets are a favorite among home cooks and chefs for their unique, non-stick properties. Cast iron skillets can last quite a long time–in some cases, for decades–provided you take care of them. That said, it’s important to know how to clean your cast iron skillet in order to keep it in good condition. In this blog post, we will show you how to clean a cast iron skillet with vinegar. What is Cast Iron? Cast iron skillets are some of the most versatile and durable cookware available. They can be used for everything from frying eggs to making roast beef. Cast iron is also a great option for those with allergies to non-stick materials, as it's not porous and doesn't require any special care. When it comes cleaning a cast iron skillet with vinegar all you need is a little vinegar. Pour about 2 tablespoons of white vinegar into the pan and heat it up on medium heat. Use a wooden spoon to scrape the burning residue off of the surface of the pan. Repeat...